10 reasons Why I love Twitter


I am not too old on Twitter and not very popular either, but I love its design and here are my reasons:

  1. It is the simplest application that you can use.
  2. Everything on Twitter is transparent. You can either follow someone and see everything they tweet or not follow and see almost nothing from them ( you can still see any re-tweets from the ones you follow). There is no mid way like FaceBook where you can be friends but choose not to follow what they post.
  3. There is one button for Follow and Unfollow – Simple
  4. There is word limit – it lets people be creative within that space while limiting the not so creatives also to that limit.
  5. There is no interference with what you see – no truncation of your tweets to certain percentage of your followers.
  6. There is only one screen, you can personalize by changing the background and thats it
  7. Everyone can see who you follow and who follows you and even what lists you own and belong to
  8. Yes, there are promoted posts and Ids, but they come with a sign telling you so.
  9. You can send Direct Messages to only those who follow you – an implicit permission for a private chat
  10. Most Important – Conversations here happen right here in this moment, instantly most of the times. Its like a tool to teach us to Live in the Moment.

In case you want to follow me, I am here : https://twitter.com/anuradhagoyal

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  1. Nice list, Anuradha. Twitter for a long time used to be a preserve for intelligent conversation. With growing adoption it is becoming like most other social media with its share of trolls, silly humor and mindless rants. And yes, in case you want to follow me 🙂 @subho65


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