The Secret Life of Fat by Sylvia Tara
The Secret Life of Fat – what would people not do to know this. Fat has troubled every fat person on this earth. Once...
Blood Sugar & Spice Living with Diabetes by Charmaine D’Souza
India is full of diabetics. There is a fair chance that you, the reader is diabetic and there is a very slim chance that...
Vitamania by Catherine Price – Book Review
Vitamania talks about the mania of Vitamins. The mania that exists in current day American society. I think India is fast moving towards the...
Losing IT – Making Weight Loss Simple by Dhruv Gupta, Prachi Gupta
Weight loss books will remain best sellers for a long time. Thanks to the obese people around the world. And since they are mostly...
Forever Young by Reenita Malhotra Hora
I am a firm believer of Ayurveda. It's customized remedies, it's recommended Dinacharya or the daily routine, Ritucharya or the seasonal routine. And it's...
Don’t Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight by Rujuta Diwekar
Don’t Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight - The title of the book is good enough to attract a second look by most urban people....
The Path of Practice by Bri Maya Tiwari
The Path of Practice is a book written by a Brahmin born in Guyana. Who worked as a fashion designer in New York and...